This article and her comment are very interesting. I know and I use Groupon with its numerous deals, its concept of coupons... But, before the reading of your comment, I did not know Living Social Escapes.I find this site very interesting and for me, it is a great idea!
As Lauriane said, the idea of selling hotel deals on coupons sites is a real great idea! It is a very good way to create a good publicity and visibility for a hotel. But, it is essential to keep in mind that the presence of your hotel on a site as Living Social Escapes can have a negative impact on your image, your standing (image devalued, "discount hotel"...).
So, in my opinion, the use of this site can be a good idea for a hotel, only if its image and its standing are preserved. This, I totally agree with Lauriane when she said that this site "remains a good way and opportunity to sell packages that are unique and give an added value to our products."
Today, customers are interesting by this type of site, and they search good deals for their, they want to go on a luxury hotel but, only if they can benefit and find a good deal for this hotel.
Link to her comment