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mardi 5 avril 2011

Comment about Lauriane's article : LivingSocial works to expand hotel-deals offerings

This article and her comment are very interesting. I know and I use Groupon with its numerous deals, its concept of coupons... But, before the reading of your comment, I did not know Living Social Escapes.I find this site very interesting and for me, it is a great idea!
As Lauriane said, the idea of selling hotel deals on coupons sites is a real great idea! It is a very good way to create a good publicity and visibility for a hotel. But, it is essential to keep in mind that the presence of your hotel on a site as Living Social Escapes can have a negative impact on your image, your standing (image devalued, "discount hotel"...).
So, in my opinion, the use of this site can be a good idea for a hotel, only if its image and its standing are preserved. This, I totally agree with Lauriane when she said that this site "remains a good way and opportunity to sell packages that are unique and give an added value to our products."
Today, customers are interesting by this type of site, and they search good deals for their, they want to go on a luxury hotel but, only if they can benefit and find a good deal for this hotel.

Link to her comment 

jeudi 31 mars 2011

Meet +1 : Google’s answer to the Facebook Like Button

                This article is interesting and is about the new evolution of Google’s Social Search. Indeed, Google launched recently “Plus one” button, which is similarly to Facebook’s “Lke” button and, to Twitter’s “Tweet this” button.

                The “Plus one” button allows users to share their search results and adverts with people in their Gmail and Google Talk Chat List, people in their “My contacts” group in Google contacts, and, people they follow in Google Reader and Google Buzz. In this sense, now, some Google search users can see a +1 button next to search listings. 

                As the principle of this button is similar to which for Facebook’s “Like” button, there is a big difference between these two things. In this sense, Google owns paid search advertising, and, this “Plus one” annotation has the potential to provide a boost to AdWords campaigns, which is very important.

                I think this new evolution in Google Social Search is very interesting and it can be very successful!! Why? Because for me, if you’re searching, it’s nice to see if there are any answers that are recommended by your friends. It is the same principle that for the other social networks, or reviews sites, we are more interesting and convinced if our friends recommend or not this hotel, this restaurant or another thing. As we know the person who clicked on the “+1” button, and made a recommendation, we would be easier influenced by that. 

                To conclude, I can say that for me this new tool available on Google Search is useful, and it is a proof of the important and of the huge evolution of the social media, the social networks! With this button “Plus one”, we have the question of influencers... In this sense, as I said below, more your friends recommend something like a restaurant for example, more you will influenced to go on this restaurant!  And, inversely, your + 1’s can help your friends, your contacts, and others on the web find the best stuff when they search, it can influenced them.

                And you, what do you think about this new evolution on the Google’s world? Could you influence easier in your research?  For you, is it a real rivalry to Facebook’s Like Button?

samedi 26 mars 2011

Half of business travelers use mobile to search / book hotel, says Travelport.

Nowadays, a mobile is more and more used for many others things that to call and send sms. Indeed, with the iPhones, Smartphones...people can go on internet at any time and anywhere, and, it is that they do!! Moreover, there exist more and more applications for mobile, and, it is more and more a necessity for the hotels to include a mobile marketing strategy in their global marketing strategy.

So, this article is about a research made by Travelport, on the hotel experiences and expectations of the business travelers. This research was made on a survey of 150 respondents.

The most important result of this study is the fact that more than half of the business travelers questioned use their mobiles to search and book a hotel. Moreover, according to this research, 80% of business travelers expect more of the mobile applications. In this sense, they would like to see mobile applications offering suggested restaurants and bars around the hotel location; and suggestions for recreational activities for 67%. Many business travelers questioned during this research expect to see mobile apps less limited, and offering more services and possibilities.

This study shows also the important of the internet in general for these business travelers. In this sense, 71% of the survey think that WIFI is one of the most elements that should be included as standard in hotel rooms.

I think that this article and the study of Travelport are very interesting, because, as Rabih Saab has explained at the end of the article, with this study and its results we can more understand what the business travelers want. Indeed, with these results we can better understand that business travelers are more and more focused on the use of their mobile during their stay (from the preparation to the end of the stay), and they have some specifics expectations for the mobile apps.

If we take the example that 80% would like to see mobile apps offering suggested restaurants and bars around the hotel, we understand very well that these persons want to use their mobile not only to search and book the hotel, but also to organize their stay (restaurants, activities, bars...).

I think that the main result of this study is a proof of the rapid and important increase in the use of mobile technology in the business travel sector. Many businesses have the habit to use their mobiles everyday to check their mails, to contact their colleagues, their clients... so, it is easier for them to use also their mobile for their travels.

To conclude I want to say that the use of mobile technology in the travel industry (as well as for the business travelers as for the leisure travelers) is more and more important and, the hotels must have a mobile marketing strategy. It can be a partnership with a location based services, an official website for mobile,...

And you, when you organize your travel and during your stay, do you use your mobile? If yes, which type of mobile apps do you use? What do you expect for the futures mobile apps?