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samedi 26 mars 2011

Half of business travelers use mobile to search / book hotel, says Travelport.

Nowadays, a mobile is more and more used for many others things that to call and send sms. Indeed, with the iPhones, Smartphones...people can go on internet at any time and anywhere, and, it is that they do!! Moreover, there exist more and more applications for mobile, and, it is more and more a necessity for the hotels to include a mobile marketing strategy in their global marketing strategy.

So, this article is about a research made by Travelport, on the hotel experiences and expectations of the business travelers. This research was made on a survey of 150 respondents.

The most important result of this study is the fact that more than half of the business travelers questioned use their mobiles to search and book a hotel. Moreover, according to this research, 80% of business travelers expect more of the mobile applications. In this sense, they would like to see mobile applications offering suggested restaurants and bars around the hotel location; and suggestions for recreational activities for 67%. Many business travelers questioned during this research expect to see mobile apps less limited, and offering more services and possibilities.

This study shows also the important of the internet in general for these business travelers. In this sense, 71% of the survey think that WIFI is one of the most elements that should be included as standard in hotel rooms.

I think that this article and the study of Travelport are very interesting, because, as Rabih Saab has explained at the end of the article, with this study and its results we can more understand what the business travelers want. Indeed, with these results we can better understand that business travelers are more and more focused on the use of their mobile during their stay (from the preparation to the end of the stay), and they have some specifics expectations for the mobile apps.

If we take the example that 80% would like to see mobile apps offering suggested restaurants and bars around the hotel, we understand very well that these persons want to use their mobile not only to search and book the hotel, but also to organize their stay (restaurants, activities, bars...).

I think that the main result of this study is a proof of the rapid and important increase in the use of mobile technology in the business travel sector. Many businesses have the habit to use their mobiles everyday to check their mails, to contact their colleagues, their clients... so, it is easier for them to use also their mobile for their travels.

To conclude I want to say that the use of mobile technology in the travel industry (as well as for the business travelers as for the leisure travelers) is more and more important and, the hotels must have a mobile marketing strategy. It can be a partnership with a location based services, an official website for mobile,...

And you, when you organize your travel and during your stay, do you use your mobile? If yes, which type of mobile apps do you use? What do you expect for the futures mobile apps?

1 commentaire:

  1. I personally do not have a smartphone and I have little knowledge regarding mobile apps and how it works. Still, if I had a smartphone, I am sure I would rather use the many apps that exist rather than using my laptop. You have your mobile with you all the time and it is so convenient to be able to check whatever you want to know just clicking! Apps are easy to use with a more simple design, offering the essential information and services that you need. As we said in class, mobile marketing is a growing trend that should become the norm very soon and may replace other older channels.

    The key is of course to develop the apps that will be useful for your customers and that offer "THE" services they need. The solution as we said is to build an app following the SoLoMo strategy, mixing mobile, social and local features. If the guests are able to find these services in your app, you are on the right track. You then will consider you did your job if you offer your customers an app different from your competitors, giving an added value to their trips offering them tips, allowing them to share easily their experiences with their friends and family and to find the places to be (and preferably not crowded or well-known) for extraordinary vacations and souvenirs.

    A last advice is to think of the design of your app... Even if customers always want more and more integrated services and options, they will not forgive you for not making a neat app, clear and convenient to use. If you do not respect this fundamental criteria, your app may be genius, nobody will use it and you will have wasted much money for nothing! Thus, put yourself in the travelers'shoes and imagine when and where they will use their phone, not only what they will look for! You will then be able to select the right colors, design and letters' size...
